Murder! A Love Story ❤️❤️❤️

Production Is Over

August 4, 2011 / Ryan Elainska

And we got all our shots.

In a couple weeks I’ll be starting post-production, but for now I have a few other items of business to attend to—things I neglected for the last several weeks so I could focus on getting a film made.

I’ll try to be here, and on Facebook and Twitter, more frequently in the meantime. But for now I’m just here to say a big collective Thank You, in no particular order:

To all the people who supported me and the film with encouragement and word of mouth; to everyone who contributed financially; to the local restaurants and businesses who donated food, gear, supplies, props and costumes; to all the people temporarily widowed or orphaned by spouses and parents who for nine days only came home to crash into bed; to my amazing and inspiring crew, who worked 16- and 18-hour days for over a week and stayed on their A-game the whole time; to the stellar cast, who tried their hardest to make choosing the best takes as difficult as it could be; to Grace College and its staff—they bent over backward to accommodate our demanding schedule and needs….

Thank You.

Without you, there’d be no movie.

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